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Fusheng seal does not forget its original intention and looks forward to the future

Back source: $article_author$ Release date: 2020/10/29
Today is August 15. In the past half a month, all employees of Dongsheng seal have worked together. Strive for the supremacy of cattle business performance.

The first is the business team. Each business staff has made 120% efforts to win every customer who can clinch a deal and works outside every day. In addition, our colleagues in foreign trade also played an equal role as the business team to add performance goals to Dongsheng sealing company.

The front is the leading charge of the business and foreign trade team. As the backbone of the team, the customer service department also made great contributions to this competition and brought intimate quality service to every customer.

The network operation Department and technology department provide the above departments with customer inquiry and sealing technology support. As a backing, it can solve the worries of those Dongsheng people who take the lead in the charge.

Of course, this reliable iron triangle is based on the first-class quality assurance of the products of the front-line production staff, so as to give full play to its great power.

Therefore, all employees of Dongsheng seal are closely connected subjects, and none of them is indispensable. Like a huge warship riding the wind and waves, it moves forward into the distance.




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