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Guangzhou Fusheng Sealing Technology Co., Ltd

Keep it tight for a long time Seal ring manufacturer in 26 years
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How to install the water pump sealing ring

How to install the water pump sealing ring

In order to ensure the normal operation of the water pump, it is generally recom...
Main properties of phenolic sandwich guide ring

Main properties of phenolic sandwich guide ring

Phenolic cloth clamping guide ring is composed of chemical fiber and epoxy resin...
Technical requirements for sealing ring

Technical requirements for sealing ring

O-type rubber sealing ring is one of the commonly used sealing rings at present....
In the high-tech era, why is air crash still unavoidable?

In the high-tech era, why is air crash still unavoidable?

Recently, a piece of news related to aircraft was searched. On the morning and e...



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